Diaper Questions

Aloe Vera For Diaper Rash

Can You Use Aloe Vera For Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is an uncomfortable and painful skin condition that every newborn goes through. Explore treatment options such as aloe vera for diaper rash here.
Olive oil for diaper rash

Can You Use Olive Oil For Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is a common skin issue that every newborn goes through during the early stages. Can you use olive oil for diaper rash? How to apply olive oil? Explore the answers here.
Is cornstarch good for diaper rash

Is Cornstarch Good For Diaper Rash?

Just like with coconut oil, cornstarch is also a natural home remedy to treat diaper rash. Learn is cornstarch good for diaper rash and how to use it here.
Is coconut oil good for diaper rash?

Is Coconut Oil Good For Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is a typical condition that some babies go through in the first year. Is coconut oil good for diaper rash? Can I use coconut oil on diaper rash? Explore the answers here.
Can you put neosporin on diaper rash?

Can You Put Neosporin On Diaper Rash?

As we all know that Neosporin is used for small cuts or bruises as an antibiotic. But, can you put Neosporin on diaper rash? Explore the answers here.
Can you use aquaphor for diaper rash?

Can You Use Aquaphor For Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash (skin irritations) is common in the first 12 month of baby's life. So, can you use Aquaphor for diaper rash? Explore the answers in detail here.
can you use vaseline for diaper rash

Can You Use Vaseline For Diaper Rash?

Diaper rashes typically are seen on the folding skin areas. But, can you use Vaseline for diaper rash, does Vaseline help diaper rash? Explore answers here.
how often to change cloth diapers?

How Often to Change Cloth Diapers?

How Often to Change Cloth Diapers? Cloth diapers do not contain superabsorbent polymer (SAP). Babies who wear cloth diapers need to be replaced every 2-3 hours.
difference between easy ups and pull ups

Top 5 Differences Between Easy Ups and Pull Ups

A lot of times parents worry about what's best for their children; Learn the top 5 differences between easy ups and pull ups on various aspects & when to use them.
are pull-ups as absorbent as diapers?

Are Pull-Ups as Absorbent as Diapers?

There has been a lot of confusion and debate about whether pull-ups are as absorbent as diapers. Pull-ups are made from the same absorbing materials like diapers, and they have a similarity in function.